Everything a teacher needs to save 20 hours every week 👩‍🏫❤️

Join 300,000+ educators at top schools and districts making life easier and learning better with Alayna AI ✌️

What do you need help with today?

  • Creating Presentations

    Lesson Slides (Google Slides)

    Professional Development Decks

    Engaging Images and Charts

    Lecture notes

    Edit Slides with AI

  • Grading and Feedback

    Automatic Grading

    Handwritten Worksheets

    Detailed Student Feedback

    Targeted Support

    LMS Integration (Google Classroom, etc.)

  • Project-Based Learning

    Creative Project Ideas

    PBL Experiences

    Hands-on Learning Activities

    Standards-aligned Projects

    PBL Workshops

  • Curriculum Development

    Lesson plans




    Learning Activities / Worksheets


    Science Labs

  • General Assistance

    Classroom Management

    Differentiation & Personalized Learning

    Parent Communication

    Special Education Support

    Standards Alignment

    Finding Resources


  • Teaching Resources


    Reading passages

    Discussion Questions


    Advanced Learner Activities



Alayna AI for Schools

  • Safe, Secure & Compliant

    Alayna is aligned with FERPA, COPPA and state laws

  • Professional Development

    Get expert-led AI training at your school

  • Admin Dashboard

    Manage your roster and track usage analytics

  • On-Demand Support

    Get instant help by our experienced support team

Access Our Free AI Course for Teachers

AI for Educators 101

Master AI tools to transform your teaching practice in just 5 hours, using our free, online, self-paced course, designed specifically for busy teachers. Whether you are a new teacher or a veteran, our free professional development will help you become an AI expert!

“Alayna AI has been a game-changer for my teaching, saving me valuable time by streamlining lesson preparation. It allows me to create tailor-made presentations effortlessly, ensuring they align perfectly with my students’ needs. The AI’s ability to generate spot-on images for my specific purposes has added a visually engaging touch to my materials, making lessons more dynamic and impactful. With Alayna AI, I can focus more on teaching and less on time-consuming tasks.”

Claudia Fisanotti

EFL Teacher, Regional Digital Curriculum Coordinator and Integrator

“Alayna AI for Google Slides has been an invaluable asset. It not only saves me countless hours of planning, but also helps me create more creative and engaging lesson plans. With Alayna AI, I can quickly generate ideas, find relevant resources, and differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of my students.”

Matty West

12th Grade US Government and 11th Grade History

“Myself and our staff are highly impressed with the ease and usability of Alayna. It has helped save our teachers precious time preparing lessons, slides, worksheets etc. We are a small school, with multi-graded classes, and the ability to create worksheets and material at a variety of grade levels is also a game changer.

Rebecca Wandio


“Alayna AI has been an incredibly helpful tool for both myself and several of my math colleagues. Whether it's using the chatbot to brainstorm activities or redesigning curriculum, Alayna has been wonderful. Being able to submit your own documentation is a game changing feature! I have been very impressed with the impact and efficiency that Alayna brings to the world of teaching and planning.”

Ben Winchell

Lead Mathematics Instructor

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