Simple, yet powerful
AI teaching assistant for educators
Brainstorm ideas, design curriculum, generate differentiated teaching resources, create AI art and more. Save 10-20 hours every week with AskAlayna.
Chat with Alayna
Chat with Alayna AI to brainstorm ideas, answer questions, create images, and get handheld assistance with over 100 different teaching tasks—all with reliable citations from the web.

Differentiate It
Create over 20 types of leveled teaching resources for any topic, YouTube video or file upload—MCQs, reading passages, discussion questions and more.
Design Curriculum
Get standards-aligned lesson plans, rubrics, quizzes, units and more—with pedagogically aligned and research backed tools powered by Alayna AI.

Create Images
Craft stunning, captivating, and powerful presentations—featuring images, lecture notes, charts, and beautiful themes—all in a matter of minutes.